JAMEL DAVENPORTJamel Davenport is a coach, entrepreneur, teacher, and public speaker. Jamel is known for his gratitude towards the life he has been given and his heart for helping others find that same gratitude for life. Jamel’s coaching is in demand for his unique ability to combine the psychological with the physiological. The brain with the body, the mind with the movements. Jamel started his journey with the mindset of becoming an attorney. After years of conversations with people experience working as a counselor, police officer, and social worker, he began to see a common thread – that the core of what he was good at was giving people advice. While Jamel wanted to be an attorney at heart, he quickly found a way to make life his courtroom and began defending the personal rights and liberties of those around him. Defending people’s right to vitality, optimization, and abundance while prosecuting any criminal thinking that suggests a life can be lived without those possibilities became Jamel’s life purpose.
Jamel soon realized that he was not
an attorney at law, but rather an attorney at life.
There is a sense of awe and magic when it comes to Jamel and his coaching. From the very first meeting, a shift in thinking happens and Jamel’s impact sets in immediately. Once clients are able to shift their view of pain into purpose and profit, they are then able shift their whole perspective on life. Jamel has yet to lose a client, continuing to spread his gift and impact to everyone who works with him.

There is a sense of awe and magic
Don't wait. Let's start your life.